
One of the most important yet often unacknowledged barriers to mathematics achievement is the feeling of frustration and helplessness that students experience on a regular basis. This fear and anxiety leads to negative attitudes towards mathematics, inhibits academic achievement and limits the choices available both in school and careers.

Mental and Physical Pathologies Caused by Math Anxiety

Unfortunately, students often develop a variety of mental and physical pathologies that are directly related to the feeling of inadequacy they experience nearly every day. This can be manifested in several ways, including apathy towards or hatred of math, or by more serious physical symptoms, including stomach aches and nausea. The depressing fact is that many of these individuals could excel in mathematics if they had a better understanding of how their emotions affect their performance, and had access to strategies to master their tension and anxiety.

Math Anxiety Can Be Managed

At StressLessMath, we believe that all children can succeed in mathematics if they better understood how their minds and emotions are connected when it comes to learning and understanding math. Many parents accept the fact that their children dislike mathematics and believe there is nothing they can do to help remedy the problem, but this is not at all true. Using proven intervention strategies, all children can learn how to master the emotions connected to studying math and turn it into a source of strength to help them master their domain.